Contact nameChris Stauļ¬€er
Contact university/companyMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Method's nameGMM | Stauffer & Grimson
ReferenceC. Stauffer and W. E. L. Grimson, "Adaptive background mixture models for real-time tracking," inProc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vi-sion and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (1999)
Processing time~21fps on 720x480 video. C++ on Core i7 3.4GHz.
Parameters K = 3, alpha=0.001

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 661976 55587 8886 67513520 12538
PETS2006 4232121 1154934 596069 365558370 0
office 4238342 1440907 4403752 115097779 0
highway 5011645 378316 446344 86276153 361498
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1640485 144490 337407 145498271 12216
canoe 903453 102408 139916 28317313 0
fountain01 61793 1479629 15710 91803426 0
fountain02 232951 79682 34278 123882649 0
fall 16207086 39824999 2130911 976964908 370390
boats 1175809 500525 375042 245219094 381
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 4569018 6847886 921704 104636813 0
sidewalk 152991 205241 110238 9627351 9323
badminton 3095566 1763661 1002741 113664681 0
traffic 2417132 1706951 743624 45906755 615897
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 342533 180231 406271 14641198 13791
winterDriveway 491549 2521264 199821 89138965 103684
sofa 3813988 624863 3574692 161204035 0
tramstop 487983 224014 958228 6388825 1053
parking 166985 53261 58406 2635929 0
streetLight 227363 27640 477582 13798357 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 37060372 9603788 31673293 913698754 0
bungalows 4610688 1795375 546100 79044343 1753245
busStation 2166043 287639 785166 76727863 216570
peopleInShade 4630042 878690 275314 81121970 863771
backdoor 1727319 1672245 297278 98155542 0
cubicle 8420397 6940898 1954796 510961877 312391
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 3179535 237883 4793546 407920531 0
park 457382 109651 257755 34385489 0
diningRoom 13665067 970370 5799230 206213897 0
corridor 10182478 2427656 2157679 357559369 0
library 17347592 3120175 44613673 256360340 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
skating 18982362 496443 4790456 574104474 6534
wetSnow 7531555 3339986 6484311 916299528 0
snowFall 14988335 5317912 5733848 1941762776 912376
blizzard 19732968 9457852 4529212 2070701484 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
tunnelExit_0_35fps 2409035 169574 4593289 351296248 0
port_0_17fps 28427 2949408 28755 305151329 0
turnpike_0_5fps 2001576 47092 849520 46144275 0
tramCrossroad_1fps 579728 113210 157855 24796179 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
tramStation 4349993 1599105 1906335 176530309 0
busyBoulvard 1195529 508333 4393162 59906938 0
streetCornerAtNight 2913917 6898331 1016810 620599905 0
fluidHighway 1831288 8073845 2107234 213370238 122903
bridgeEntry 625943 2799340 1024003 78200415 0
winterStreet 6152986 10061250 3146327 115634854 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
twoPositionPTZCam 931852 1379981 676672 134634162 151833
zoomInZoomOut 79268 13909172 10036 34273164 1721
continuousPan 1260119 63259106 823572 306267508 46580
intermittentPan 2075003 43140538 1929505 379881503 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
turbulence2 530182 110572 147193 811473178 0
turbulence3 4368649 1993574 1472191 476622441 0
turbulence0 1727080 45278066 293383 1334182706 0
turbulence1 1930946 9679927 544959 954015931 0