Contact nameOzan Tezcan
Contact university/companyBoston University
Method's nameBSUV-Net (supervised method)
ReferenceM. O. Tezcan, P. Ishwar and J. Konrad. "BSUV-Net: A Fully-Convolutional Neural Network for Background Subtraction of Unseen Videos." arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.11371 (2019).
Processing time~6 fps for 320x240 video with Pytorch1.3 code running on NVIDIA Titan-X GPU
Web page
Parameters batch size: 8, learning rate: 1e-4, training input size:224x224

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 650517 10921 20345 67558186 1
PETS2006 4654538 295593 173652 366417711 0
office 8541923 520089 100171 116018597 0
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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winterDriveway 533652 35419 157718 91624810 12061
sofa 6335084 518802 1053596 161310096 0
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 52789560 4594217 15944105 918708325 0
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busStation 2778832 183807 172377 76831695 44270
peopleInShade 4878906 1021232 26450 80979428 449988
backdoor 2002462 103387 22135 99724400 0
cubicle 9445580 826211 929613 517076564 208894
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 5334388 778062 2638693 407380352 0
diningRoom 17112010 945761 2352287 206238506 0
park 670818 105161 44319 34389979 0
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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snowFall 19554983 1418836 1167200 1945661852 696423
blizzard 17282060 631997 6980120 2079527339 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
tunnelExit_0_35fps 5944641 804618 1057683 350661204 0
port_0_17fps 33875 7470937 23307 300629800 0
tramCrossroad_1fps 674499 29880 63084 24879509 0
turnpike_0_5fps 2420206 48274 430890 46143093 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
tramStation 4823850 1016412 1432478 177113002 0
busyBoulvard 2504291 237034 3084400 60178237 0
streetCornerAtNight 3509472 337570 421255 627160666 0
fluidHighway 2616306 1400022 1322216 220044061 62909
bridgeEntry 888003 323163 761943 80676592 0
winterStreet 4325656 500845 4973657 125195259 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
twoPositionPTZCam 1561231 201223 47293 135812920 98129
zoomInZoomOut 84945 19052 4359 48163284 727
continuousPan 1798350 11424370 285341 358102244 3565
intermittentPan 1734011 1599605 2270497 421422436 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
turbulence2 520268 46465 157107 811537285 0
turbulence3 4780034 257271 1060806 478358744 0
turbulence0 1244700 2358810 775763 1377101962 0
turbulence1 1546220 645111 929685 963050747 0