Contact nameRuben Heras Evangelio
Contact university/companyTechnische Universität Berlin
Method's nameSGMM-SOD
ReferenceR. Heras and T. Sikora "Complementary Background Models for the Detection of Static and Moving Objects in Crowded Environments", in 8th Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS)
Processing time~34 fps for 320x240 video, respectively. Non-threaded, non-optimized C++ code running on a AMD Phenom II X4 Processor at 3.00 GHz
Web page
Parameters alpha = 0.001, sigma_span = 3, max. number of gaussians = 5, shadow detection = on, background models rate = 10, 5x5 median filter post-processing step

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 649893 115386 20969 67453721 12517
PETS2006 4536533 424562 291657 366288742 0
office 8210527 407706 431567 116130980 0
highway 4777920 364950 680069 86289519 356272
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1688325 172586 289567 145470175 12273
canoe 787355 13613 256014 28406108 0
fountain01 60954 305195 16549 92977860 0
fountain02 224758 97200 42471 123865131 0
fall 16060422 14751073 2277575 1002038834 361700
boats 868732 45278 682119 245674341 305
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 3520870 1814260 1969852 109670439 0
sidewalk 86257 11551 176972 9821041 5223
badminton 2969736 190578 1128571 115237764 0
traffic 2376206 859244 784550 46754462 641334
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 688668 42326 60136 14779103 13777
winterDriveway 462658 4013583 228712 87646646 61731
sofa 5439002 385405 1949678 161443493 0
tramstop 1256445 21506 189766 6591333 13955
parking 77480 5835 147911 2683355 0
streetLight 620499 4861 84446 13821136 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 61530805 8807310 7202860 914495232 0
bungalows 4997452 1892521 159336 78947197 1753260
busStation 2485816 443077 465393 76572425 359072
peopleInShade 4805329 927696 100027 81072964 872714
backdoor 1835813 113565 188784 99714222 0
cubicle 9561556 3966315 813637 513936460 414461
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 1927962 47257 6045119 408111157 0
park 384696 35783 330441 34459357 0
diningRoom 14917912 1185698 4546385 205998569 0
corridor 9281143 527760 3059014 359459265 0
library 55763020 1601561 6198245 257878954 0