Contact nameDésiré Sidibé
Contact university/companyLE2I - Université de Bourgogne/ LIRMM - Université de Montpellier
Method's nameQuasi-Continuous Histograms based Motion Detection
ReferenceO. Strauss, D. Sidibé, W. Puech "Quasi-continuous histogram based motion detection",Technical Report, LE2I, 2012
Processing timeNot available
Web page
Parameters threshold = 0.001, median filter size = 9

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 667343 575514 3519 66993593 12531
PETS2006 3007669 1635091 1820521 365078213 0
office 2864286 745498 5777808 115793188 0
highway 4739562 1001513 718427 85652956 340326
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1633227 333659 344665 145309102 12191
canoe 958812 833019 84557 27586702 0
fountain01 59180 187022 18323 93096033 0
fountain02 246077 80883 21152 123881448 0
fall 17116777 15324989 1221220 1001464918 353442
boats 1524621 3204322 26230 242515297 420
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 398111 681756 350693 14139673 13832
winterDriveway 450953 1639874 240417 90020355 102627
sofa 2796792 1170772 4591888 160658126 0
tramstop 442927 122052 1003284 6490787 318
parking 123536 35156 101855 2654034 0
streetLight 160180 262754 544765 13563243 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 30365976 19146028 38367689 904156514 0
bungalows 4313590 1114227 843198 79725491 710475
busStation 1493310 454040 1457899 76561462 94839
peopleInShade 3268267 1295058 1637089 80705602 759320
backdoor 1801261 201132 223336 99626655 0
cubicle 8600399 4916977 1774794 512985798 267462
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 1325325 133140 6647756 408025274 0
park 248235 172051 466902 34323089 0
diningRoom 8174500 270797 11289797 206913470 0
corridor 6728771 303886 5611386 359683139 0
library 12178365 403350 49782900 259077165 0