Contact nameAasim Rafique
Contact university/companyGIST
Method's nameGRBM_without tuning
Processing time18 fps for a 640 x 480 video python code on core i5 desktop
Web page
Parameters learningrate = [0.01 0.007 0. 005 0.002 .0001] 5 epocs

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 582080 2909 88782 67566198 1407
PETS2006 4323841 370735 504349 366342569 0
office 8419473 916322 222621 115622364 0
highway 4943347 765431 514642 85889038 359417
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1580140 624305 397752 145018456 11309
canoe 818702 532 224667 28419189 0
fountain01 15083 25037 62420 93258018 0
fountain02 181818 25864 85411 123936467 0
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boats 1280531 188649 270320 245530970 379
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 4601613 7617154 889109 103867545 0
sidewalk 194098 116794 69131 9715798 9367
badminton 3641539 3820340 456768 111608002 0
traffic 2496191 2334135 664565 45279571 659566
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 702384 936553 46420 13884876 13509
winterDriveway 437381 1770629 253989 89889600 56719
sofa 6323987 1122174 1064693 160706724 0
tramstop 472377 407827 973834 6205012 1410
parking 190474 336107 34917 2353083 0
streetLight 621174 277 83771 13825720 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 44737883 2868218 23995782 920434324 0
bungalows 4642347 1792556 514441 79047162 1753262
busStation 2092598 309890 858611 76705612 281186
peopleInShade 4625783 880367 279573 81120293 859048
backdoor 1280410 1116236 744187 98711551 0
cubicle 6439809 3855350 3935384 514047425 45344
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 3480329 865142 4492752 407293272 0
park 368933 114075 346204 34381065 0
diningRoom 17690624 5637627 1773673 201546640 0
corridor 9110817 429688 3229340 359557337 0
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