Contact nameAasim Rafique
Contact university/companyGIST
Method's nameGRBM
ReferenceBackground subtraction using GRBM
Processing time18 fps for a 640 x 480 video python code on core i5 desktop
Web page
Parameters learningrate = 0.0001, 0.001

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 582080 2909 88782 67566198 1407
PETS2006 4323841 370735 504349 366342569 0
office 8419473 916322 222621 115622364 0
highway 4943347 765431 514642 85889038 359417
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1651159 450005 326733 145192756 9473
canoe 984945 79434 58424 28340287 0
fountain01 27134 50461 50369 93232594 0
fountain02 232967 122484 34262 123839847 0
fall 9353893 1812018 8984104 1014977889 102544
boats 1078657 88990 472194 245630629 370
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 2930060 52861 2560662 111431838 0
sidewalk 173688 402321 89541 9430271 9370
badminton 3366160 889558 732147 114538784 0
traffic 2677031 1695930 483725 45917776 664542
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 663695 199776 85109 14621653 13241
winterDriveway 501203 260400 190167 91399829 117157
sofa 6323987 1122174 1064693 160706724 0
tramstop 943611 6947 502600 6605892 2
parking 222006 121979 3385 2567211 0
streetLight 687638 76904 17307 13749093 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 62164969 8136738 6568696 915165804 0
bungalows 4826652 1898081 330136 78941637 1753261
busStation 2578343 592244 372866 76423258 374767
peopleInShade 4884446 2906108 20910 79094552 877341
backdoor 1518211 490719 506386 99337068 0
cubicle 8044304 2859881 2330889 515042894 283349
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 5549726 4309769 2423355 403848645 0
park 606725 401404 108412 34093736 0
diningRoom 16894588 4123915 2569709 203060352 0
corridor 10600944 8732910 1739213 351254115 0
library 59505557 7185890 2455708 252294625 0