Contact nameFatih Porikli
Contact university/companyMitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Method's nameBayesian Background
ReferenceF. Porikli and O. Tuzel. "Bayesian background modeling for foreground detection" in proc. of ACM Visual Surveillance and Sensor Network, 2005.
Processing timeNot available
Parameters sensitivity_threshold = 1.0, shadow_parameter = 0.1

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 441472 17045 229390 67552062 9969
PETS2006 2979366 15993 1848824 366697311 0
office 7550577 248494 1091517 116290192 0
highway 4267516 358151 1190473 86296318 344976
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1467333 74143 510559 145568618 2422
canoe 715639 3615 327730 28416106 0
fountain01 45843 734827 31660 92548228 0
fountain02 160045 12115 107184 123950216 0
fall 13260882 41849153 5077115 974940754 296907
boats 365721 14165 1185130 245705454 18
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 3441684 797030 2049038 110687669 0
sidewalk 73422 147322 189807 9685270 1872
badminton 2647229 500910 1451078 114927432 0
traffic 1974613 904506 1186143 46709200 554172
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 626139 773665 122665 14047764 12489
winterDriveway 334338 5668210 357032 85992019 66675
sofa 3006679 79480 4382001 161749418 0
tramstop 521175 1447398 925036 5165441 228
parking 82080 213774 143311 2475416 0
streetLight 307720 63681 397225 13762316 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 20785570 8290544 47948095 915011998 0
bungalows 3348350 1733692 1808438 79106026 1723632
busStation 1808639 75875 1142570 76939627 58047
peopleInShade 4383277 705010 522079 81295650 701522
backdoor 1420920 409156 603677 99418631 0
cubicle 7911240 3341266 2463953 514561509 21737
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 2991716 750441 4981365 407407973 0
park 289636 1887 425501 34493253 0
diningRoom 13951894 2785567 5512403 204398700 0
corridor 10764528 2254210 1575629 357732815 0
library 39872638 594714 22088627 258885801 0