Contact nameHasan Sajid
Contact university/companyUniversity of Kentucky, USA
Method's nameMultimode Background Subtraction Version 0 (MBS V0)
ReferenceSajid, Hasan, and Sen-Ching Samson Cheung. "Background subtraction for static & moving camera." In Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 4530-4534. IEEE, 2015.
Processing time~ 8 to 9 fps for a 320x240 video with MATLAB code running on a core i5 PC
Parameters See paper for Details

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 633372 19959 37490 67549148 12512
PETS2006 3971891 385344 856299 366327960 0
office 8310155 149332 331939 116389354 0
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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winterDriveway 184637 204012 506733 91456217 12268
sofa 5803349 534932 1585331 161293966 0
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parking 129781 64499 95610 2624691 0
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 59049852 7784716 9683813 915517826 0
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busStation 2677896 530542 273313 76484960 360817
peopleInShade 4484978 558467 420378 81442193 525814
backdoor 1625305 869271 399292 98958516 0
cubicle 4387967 871788 5987226 517030987 38742
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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park 455702 137963 259435 34357177 0
diningRoom 17816612 4640933 1647685 202543334 0
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