Contact nameCheng-Ming Tuan
Contact university/company5A Technology Inc.
Method's nameCDet
Processing time~40 fps for a 320x240 video with C++ code running on a core Intel i5-3200 CPU @ 2.80 GHz
Parameters m_nRauteMin=2, m_nTinit=16, m_bBlinkingDetect=1, m_nMedianFilterXoff=3, m_nMedianFilterYoff=3, m_nRmax=32, m_nRmin=10, m_nRange=0.1, m_nMedianFilterFgOff=0, m_nMedianFilterBgOff=0

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 650509 21602 20353 67547505 12532
PETS2006 4669059 905183 159131 365808121 0
office 8292564 399256 349530 116139430 0
highway 5377479 370406 80510 86284063 361689
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1744764 154131 233128 145488630 12367
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fountain01 64289 39341 13214 93243714 0
fountain02 253790 14050 13439 123948281 0
fall 17764257 2254875 573740 1014535032 372849
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 4334799 1006254 1155923 110478445 0
sidewalk 238756 29482 24473 9803110 9415
badminton 3979248 694902 119059 114733440 0
traffic 2899433 2648578 261323 44965128 665033
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 718746 55017 30058 14766412 13832
winterDriveway 557429 2163160 133941 89497069 129871
sofa 6564580 871764 824100 160957134 0
tramstop 1405060 35010 41151 6577829 14113
parking 173819 73750 51572 2615440 0
streetLight 649613 1146 55332 13824851 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 63766454 14247971 4967211 909054571 0
bungalows 3858152 1793998 1298636 79045720 1752901
busStation 2790325 545151 160884 76470351 384120
peopleInShade 4893832 1076791 11524 80923869 879053
backdoor 1949760 123799 74837 99703988 0
cubicle 10097464 2898289 277729 515004486 455981
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 4465488 495323 3507593 407663091 0
park 520063 140760 195074 34354380 0
diningRoom 17839684 1041096 1624613 206143171 0
corridor 11717624 3922457 622533 356064568 0
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