Contact nameOsman Topcu
Contact university/companyTUBITAK UZAY
Method's nameTUBITAK UZAY 1
ReferenceLee, Dar-Shyang. "Effective Gaussian mixture learning for video background subtraction." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 27.5 (2005): 827-832.
Processing time~20 fps for a 320x240 video with C++ on a single core
Parameters alpha = 0.001

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 665163 511810 5699 67057297 12538
PETS2006 4596170 2092039 232020 364621265 0
office 5893826 4847188 2748268 111691498 0
highway 5178983 539909 279006 86114560 361727
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
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canoe 793645 52152 249724 28367569 0
fountain01 68017 1999858 9486 91283197 0
fountain02 243298 301039 23931 123661292 0
fall 16839500 19892574 1498497 996897333 374632
boats 912053 195267 638798 245524352 331
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 4871498 9839577 619224 101645122 0
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badminton 3687501 3141114 410806 112287228 0
traffic 2790869 3641389 369887 43972317 647969
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 386272 495400 362532 14326029 13802
winterDriveway 534756 5372503 156614 86287726 123490
sofa 4501343 1033748 2887337 160795150 0
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parking 167348 81549 58043 2607641 0
streetLight 260741 97250 444204 13728747 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 41517442 20313702 27216223 902988840 0
bungalows 5103901 2056954 52887 78782764 1753258
busStation 2610981 499281 340228 76516221 304242
peopleInShade 4460183 5850769 445173 76149891 877777
backdoor 1863842 515817 160755 99311970 0
cubicle 8799465 4406082 1575728 513496693 284578
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 3034324 455432 4938757 407702982 0
park 592768 313915 122369 34181225 0
diningRoom 15966182 1907527 3498115 205276740 0
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