Contact nameLucia Maddalena
Contact university/companyICAR-CNR
Method's nameSOBS
ReferenceL. Maddalena, A. Petrosino, A Self-Organizing Approach to Background Subtraction for Visual Surveillance Applications, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 17, no.7, 2008, p1168-1177
Processing time~23fps for 320x240 video. ~4fps for 720x576 video. C code on Core i3-330M 2.13GHz.
Web page
Parameters Default. e1 = 1.0, e2 = 0.008, c1 = 1.0, c2 = 0.05, shadow

You can download the change detection results of this method by clicking here.

Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
pedestrians 642401 40553 28461 67528554 12515
PETS2006 4022311 585362 805879 366127942 0
office 8236025 168803 406069 116369883 0
highway 5095737 372909 362252 86281560 360936
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
overpass 1860974 518483 116918 145124278 12148
canoe 1001457 89339 41912 28330382 0
fountain01 55560 858545 21943 92424510 0
fountain02 246540 60827 20689 123901504 0
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Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
boulevard 4347194 2787023 1143528 108697676 0
sidewalk 148480 142536 114749 9690056 9262
badminton 3827135 769627 271172 114658715 0
traffic 2885677 1863591 275079 45750115 664887
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
abandonedBox 706096 1019322 42708 13802107 13606
winterDriveway 445290 5849196 246080 85811033 84709
sofa 3741143 903195 3647537 160925703 0
tramstop 1306773 769381 139438 5843458 289
parking 75335 110070 150056 2579120 0
streetLight 636540 1690 68405 13824307 0
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
copyMachine 44541765 42156765 24483723 880991025 0
bungalows 4408655 1726404 748133 79113314 1707028
busStation 2331326 384079 619883 76631423 276685
peopleInShade 4795962 867985 109394 81132675 849454
backdoor 1805160 543427 219437 99284360 0
cubicle 8826342 5299310 1548851 512603465 354684
Video TP FP FN TN Nb Shadow Error
lakeSide 1676822 828305 6296259 407330109 0
park 310998 15656 404139 34479484 0
diningRoom 12048523 2082932 7415774 205101335 0
corridor 9587355 648191 2752802 359338834 0
library 55939113 1959312 6022152 257521203 0